3d Modeli Golih Devushek
• The 'Content' block has a wide range of options in the toolbar. This list will summarize what each does and why. • Add Image: Adds an image to the currently selected area. Some issues with this include an image not actually being added, or links added prior to not work correctly.
• Add File: Adds links to files from the File Manager. Automatically downloads the file from the File Manager. • Insert Link to Page: Adds a link to pages in the Site Map into the highlighted area.
Using the menu in the 'Content' block, you can add a range of media including images, videos, links. You can also use the text formatting tools to change some of the appearance of information.
• Cut: Currently does not work well, but if it does it is a quick reference for the keyboard shortcut 'ctrl+X', which removes the highlighted data and copies it. The data can be pasted back in using the keyboard shortcut 'ctrl+V', Paste. • Copy: Similar to Cut, it copies the highlighted data; but Copy does not remove the data. The keyboard shortcut for this is 'ctrl+C' The data can be pasted back in using the keyboard shortcut 'ctrl+V', Paste. Also not supported at this time, but keyboard shortcuts work. • Paste: Pastes back in data. Keyboard shortcut is 'ctrl+V'.
Toolbar option does not currently work. • Paste in Plain Text Mode: Modifies the paste option to paste just the text without any formatting or links. • Paste From Word: Pastes in text copied from Microsoft Word. Gurps supers 3rd edition pdf converter.
• Find: Find and/or replace strings of text in the 'Content' window. • Find/Replace: Opens directly to the Replace side of the Find/Replace window. • Undo: Undoes the last option. Keyboard shortcut: 'ctrl+Z' • Redo: Undoes an undo. Keyboard shortcut: 'ctrl+Y' • Styles/Paragraph/Font Family/Font size: Format the currently highlighted text using these drop down menus. • Bold: Makes highlighted text Bold.
• Italic: Makes highlighted text italicized. • Underline: Makes highlighted text underlined.
• Strikethrough: Makes highlighted text struckthrough with a line. • Align Left/Center/Right/Full: Aligns text or media to the side indicated, wrapping lower text around it. • Unordered/Ordered List: Adds in Bullet points or Numbering to the selected lines, and indents those lines. • Outdent/Indent: Undoes an indent or shifts the text line into the right. • Block Quote: Indents a large block of text. • Insert/edit Link: Inserts a url into the selected text or image. Must paste in url.
• Unlink: Undoes any hyperlinks on the currently selected image or text. • Anchor: Creates anchors that can be used to reference that section from another section of the page, or even another page (using hash tags; ie: ) Also note that referring to the top of the page does not actually require a hashtag: any hashtag that's referenced without an anchor automatically goes to the top. • Insert/edit image: Adds an image to the selected content area with the url. • Cleanup messy code: Removes useless or redundant html code. Can fix minor display issues.
• Edit html source: Allows viewing and editing of the html. Good for trouble shooting issues, or even making the content if that's preferred. • Select text/background color: Changes the color of the selected text. • Insert new table: Inserts a table based on number of rows/columns chosen in the window that pops up.
• Table row properties: Adjust properties of the rows of the currently selected (already created) table. • Table cell properties: Adjust cell properties of the selected (previously created) table. • Insert row before/after: Adds in a row to the table before or after the highlighted row. • Delete row: Deletes selected table row.
![Golih Golih](https://trinixy.ru/pics5/20141017/juliya_harlamova_16.jpg)
• Insert column before/after: Adds in a column to the table before or after the highlighted row. • Delete column: Deletes selected table column. • Split merged table cells: Reverts to the original number of rows/columns from merged ones. • Merge table cells: Creates one row or column from multiple. • Insert horizontal ruler: Creates a line horizontally across the content. Useful as a separator.
• Remove formatting: Removes formatting (font, size, color, positioning). • Toggle guidelines/invisible elements: Shows borders otherwise not visible, such as those in tables that have been hidden. • Subscript/Superscript: Inserts sub or superscript into the text. • Insert date: Adds the current date in a year-month-day format. • Insert time: Adds the current time on a 24 hour format, in hours:min:sec. • Direction left to right/right to left: Changes the direction of the text, including punctuation. • Insert custom character: Opens a window to select a custom symbol to insert into the text.
• Emotions: Insert an emoticon. • Insert/edit embedded media: Adds video/flash multimedia content from a url. • Horizontal rule: Adds a content break, and the width of the line can be designated.