Contoh Skripsi Kualitatif Bahasa Inggris Pdf
Contoh penelitian kualitatif pdf. UAS 45 Contoh Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris.docx SOAL UTS KELAS 5 semester 1 kurikulum 2013 tema-2-ips.pdf 45 Contoh. Contoh proposal skripsi pendidikan bahasa indonesia bisa. Contoh outline skripsi pdf bahasa indonesia; proposal kualitatif. Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Gimana gak mahal kan harga dari saya.^_^. Saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi tersebut sudah dapat diajukan pada sidang. Mahasiswa terhadap Bahasa Inggris, dan bagaimana mereka menerapkan.
English is the first foreign language in our country, which is taught from Ele ment ary lev el to Uni ver sit y lev el. Engl ish is als o int ens ive ly use d in international communication, in written as well as in spoken communication. In addition, many books of science, technology, art and other published issues are written in English.
In English language, there are integrated skills to be mastered such as: Speaking, listening, reading, and Writing. As Haycraft states (1978:8) that there ar e va ri ou s sk il ls in ma st er in g of la ng ua ge. Skills-speaking and writing.
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The researcher chooses student’s composing narrative writing as a material of nar rat ive wri ti ng. By ass ump tio n tha t the com pos it ion is the resul t of stu dent s’ pro duct that can be know n cle arl y. Sof yan (19 99: 86) sta ted tha t Narrative is a story which is connected with events based on the plot. Then why the teachers use narrative text, it is because the narrative as a story of human exp eri ence, so tha t the stu dent s arr ange eas ily the com posi tio n. As Ker af (1991:136) states that “Narrative as a story tells or describe an action in the past 1.
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Time clearly, so narrative is tried to answer the question: what had happened?”. Narrative as a story, so it is should have the element that can make story more interesting to the reader such as a conflict and conclusion of the story. The students must have good communication in both oral and written form. Oral form is that speaking and listening, and written form is that writing in reading. The students have difficulties in composing narrative writing. Some of the m fee l dif fic ult ies in com pos ing nar rat ive wri tin g suc h as: stu ck to get diction, getting idea, and ordering the words.
Based on the problem above, the students must know some strategies in com pos ing nar rat ive wri ti ng suc h as: mak ing out lin e, usi ng pic tur e, usi ng dic ti onar y, sha rin g wit h fri ends, usi ng the too ls (au dio, aud io- vis ual ) or lea rni ng’ s aid s( a gui de). As Bro wn (20 00: 113 ) sta ted tha t str ate gie s are specific methods of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end, planned designs for controlling and manipulating certain information. Because of that the students should choose a good strategy to compose narrative writing. As Chamot in Masdari (2005:5) says learning strategies are techniques approaches, or deliberate the learning and recall of both linguistic and contains information. From the above explanation, we can infer that each student has certain tendency and capability in using certain learning strategies, therefore the use of various learning strategies influenced by their family background, experience, and character. In order words, strategy that is useful to student might not be 2.