Igo Primo Gps Software Windows Ce 5 Emulator
Oct 29, 2009 - For everyone's reference, here's a link to the CE 5.0 emulator. Microsoft doesn't appear to offer the 4.2 emulator for download anymore, so,.
You are not allowed to view links. Loaded with Oz igo8 Not sure if this is the same? Put in your primo folder where it says igo8.
Call it igo8. Call exe igo8 and have fun Actually you can run nearly any nav prog by renaming to igo8. You can rename bat files etc if your bothered but im not. Open by double clicking igo8.cmd Bazzle Please DO NOT PM me asking for HELP. That is what the forums are for.
Please Use the 'Thanks' Button. Ensure you have a backup of your Navi files in case you stuff up!
After the extract you can copy the folder. Few things about the start and use. 1, Start with PNA_320_240.bat, PNA_480_272.bat and PNA_800_480.bat files.
Hungarian language available for all resolution. 2, After the start create a folder on the PC, name it Storage Card. Browse this folder to FIle/Configure/General/Shared Folder. You have to copy everything in this folder what you want to run from the emulator. 3, You can make icon on the desktop of the emulator, but make sure you save it with FIle/Save state and Exit If you don't want to keep the changes just click on the X in the top right corner.
When it askes about saving the settings and changes click NO 4, If you use IGO 8 or Primo, don't put basemap into the maps because it won't work. USe the program for testings.Don't upload too many POI or maps. It won't run smoothly. Test it with one map Good Advice I made a copy of the Save__xx__xx.dess files. If you mess it up you can overwrite your files with theese and it will work again, just make sure delete last resolution dess files you made. This post requires you to click the 'LIKE this post' button and hit F5 to read this content. Insyde are: 320x240, 480x234, 480x272 & 800x480 resolution bat files.
If you have iGO package with some nonstandard resolution, you can easyly make bat file for it. Just copy some existing bat file and rename it to new res, for example: - for 640x480, do next: copy 'Start_480x272.bat', paste it somewhere on other location out of emulator folder, rename it to > 'Start_640x480.bat'), edit it with notepad / AlkoPad / Notepad++ or some similar text editor, change only sequence: video 480x272x16 to video 640x480x16, save it, put back where other bat files are, and that's all. EDIT: LINK RENEWED,.