Merlin Soundfonts receives about 54.77% of its total traffic. All this time it was owned by Lavio Pareschi, it was hosted by SiteGround Inc. Soundfonts.gonet has a mediocre Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. Links to SoundFonts and othe similar files that SynthFont can use. ONLY have the Merlin SoundFonts but a rather large collection of other free SoundFonts.
I just wanted to make a group to talk with all the awesome people who I have met on this website. This is just a place to post pointless discussions about pointless things. Or about music. You can post discussions about music here too. Whatever works. Just discuss life here guys.
Suggested guidelines of joining the Discussion Group. Spam is bad 2. Try not to make topics for plugging your music. No more than 3 consecutive posts, pretty pretty pleeease 4. Don't repeat discussions. Check to see if it has already been created. Don't create multiple discussions in a short period of time.
Hello everyone! Ladies and Gentleman - I hereby present you the CompiFont, which basically is a compilation of many, MANY soundfonts into one - GM bank. LINKS FOR DEMOS: LINKS FOR SOUNDFONT: (can be downloaded as 2 divided parts: Orchestral and the rest or all in 1.SF2): Or on the website: Short history of the font. I have seen CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth a while ago (I wonder if it was a year ago or more) and i felt kinda nostalgic about all the MIDI.
But I also realised that all the GM soundfonts just doesn't seem to fit my ear. I decided to create my own GM.SF2. Something made out of precisely picked out samples out of every single SF2 file that I will stumble upon. I've made some research on how to make one, found out a program to do it [Viena by Synthfont, many thanks for that].
And spent quite some time on it. Tributes What does it comprise?
The list is really, really long. Out of the GM soundfonts used during creation were 'Merlin Gold' (Merlin Pixel Arts), 'Titanic 200 GM GS' (Congrats Luke Sena!), 'Personal Copy' (Jim Roe), but also many more for reference like 'Masterpiece' (found on ), DrummGS, Joe's Best GM, Hubbe64.
Even good old Gravis Ultrasound was listened to! I am also very greatful for Keppy, creator of the best piano soundfont for the insight on how SF2 piano can sound. I should credit 'some' samples as well, which list is incomprehensibly long, and i don't remember all the ones used. There are some certainly worth acknowledging. PIANO: Yamaha 9ft Grand, Grand Piano Y-LP1, Clavinova P6 and Yamaha C5 used alltogether and tuned for the best performance as well as some piano instruments of unidentified origin (sorry for all the people that worked hard on all those samples, i simply lost track.
The misc piano instruments came out of E-MU Proteus 2000 samples package with minor/major tweaks. There is also Clavinova Grand from one of the famous soundfonts. GUITARS: Enormous FG460s II Live Guitar Pack (complete recommendation!), Kamac Distortion Guitar and 'Overdrive Guitar' the changes were major here and included samples swapping, Narubasso. Sf2?, LesPaul guitars pack, Jackson Distortion Guitar. WINDS: UoI Trumpet NV4 + Roland trumpet, Trombone from Crisis, Custom(ly) made Trumpet Muted, French Horns from soundfont package that I happened to find on my HDD, Tweaked 'Flute (TB)', Ethan's Bassoon, CLARINET, Piccolo CK.
Typical examples of such relationships include a board hiring a CEO to manage the company on behalf of the shareholders or a manager hiring an employee to carry out tasks. Large capital-investment projects are situations where a multitier principal-agent problem exists. Papku peredvizhku teatralizovannaya deyateljnostj doshkoljnikov. The relationship between principal and agent—where one person engages another to act on his or her behalf—is of particular interest because it is the space between them that allows the possibility of diverging interests.