Software Spellkaster Torrent

Mar 5, 2018 - Software Spellkaster Torrent. > Author Message robodron Joined: 14 Nov 2006 Location: USA, TEXAS Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:00 am Post. Spellkaster user manual. Ipod touch software manual. Chief architect 9.5 user manual torrent dm5 manual dr650 service manual.
I upgraded to 12.10 today and noticed that the torrents I'm seeding went to 0% so I have to download it again. I checked Deluge's preferences and found that after the upgrade the downloads pathway went to 'juno' folder when it should be on my 'Torrent Downloads'. I had trouble resorting it back to 'Torrent Downloads' because it kept going back to 'juno' after clicking Apply or OK although after several tries it's now set to 'Torrent Downloads'. I checked a single torrent and found in the options that its path is towards 'media'.
I'd like to think this is towards my external hard drive which I direct all my torrent downloads to. All my completed downloads went back to 0%. I tried rebooting my laptop but unlike before where Deluge automatically re-checks completed files, now it's downloading like it's a newly added torrent.
Can I get back the '100% completed' status to some of torrents again? ETA: My torrent files are located in my hard drive but I direct my torrent downloads to my external hard drive. I didn't move my torrent files folder in my hard drive before or after my 12.10 upgrade. I have a dual boot system so I have NTFS partitions.
This is where I keep my downloaded torrents. I noticed that the mount points of those partitions have changed in 12.10! The path now contains the user name. • Old path: /media/volume • New path: /media/username/volume Deluge keeps looking for the torrents in the old folder, but obviously can't find them, and tells you an error.
The error message also can be found, it is on the 'Files' tab: Status: Permission denied: /media/volume/. So it's rather a Unity/Ubuntu/GTK error than a Deluge one. I also experience difficulties with setting the download locations or using the 'Move Storage' option in Deluge. I noticed it succeeds if in the file selection dialog I click the directory name only once (not changing to it by double-clicking, only selecting it by single-click). Manually re-adding a torrent as explained above fixes the path problems.
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