Easy Pal Sstv Software
EasyPal Digital SSTV. What I do want to say is that it is currently the 'Bee's Knees' of Digital SSTV (Slow Scan TeleVision). Is Free Software released.
What is Easypal Digital SSTV? >> Digital Easypal is not slow scan, the SSTV part has stuck because it sends images.
Crack the sims 4 launcher exe download free. In basic terms it's file transfer also known as DRM 'digital Radio Mondiale' The advantage over analogue SSTV is the error correction. With error correction you can get a perfect image IE what is sent is what you receive. A good program is and this will use the same basic interface that many of you may already be using for analogue SSTV. There is a NEW digital program called KG-STV, for latest details on KGSTV see. Download EasyPal and KG-STV 20m EasyPal 40/80m EasyPal What is MMSSTV Analogue SSTV? >> Slow Scan Television SSTV is a transmission method for sending images via the airwaves.
These image types could be GIF, JPG, BMP or similar depending on the computer software used for the SSTV transmissions. It works similar to Facsimile transmissions. Each colour has it's own frequency in SSTV mode and the software simply codes the colour into an audible frequency tone that can be. The receiving end software simply decodes the frequency tone back into the colour. Download MMSSTV software 20m Analogue 80m Analogue Join in with the SSTV Live Chat Why not join in with the many SSTV'ers around the worls on the 'Live Chat Server' You can just watch to see whats going on, Ask a question about SSTV problems you may have with Analogue SSTV software or EasyPal software. You can arange a sked or just have a chat with other's with a interest in Ham Radio digital modes. Check it out now if you have a SSTV Website you can even add this chat to one of your pages and get your visitors to join in.
How to receive Analogue SSTV or Digital SSTV Anyone can receive SSTV, you don't need a ham licence. All you need is a receiver, Analogue software for your PC Digital Master 780 (DM780) & MMSSTV are excelent, For Digital EasyPal software And you connect the audio out from the receiver to the sound card on your PC, Interface infomation.You will then be able to pick up SSTV from all over the world. To see the latest SSTV pictures I have received with MMSSTV just click or to see my digital RX images from EasyPal click. Find all the latest news and download links SSTV or Digital SSTV programs Keep up to date with what's new in the world of analogue SSTV and digital EasyPal. Ms dos boot cd iso. As new updates and beta versions of ham SSTV and EasyPal programs are released you will find links and information about them. Associated programs like graphic editing and FTP of your received digital and analogue SSTV images will also be found.
I try my best to keep this page up to date with all the latest links and news but if you find any errors or you know of anything you think should be added just let me know. You can also sign up to get a email when I make any updates to the page. Getting Started With EasyPal 'First Time User HELP' EasyPal can be a bit complicated to first time users with so many settings to do, I have made a page that should help the first time user to EasyPal. This is just a basic get you going with all needed first time settings to get you on the air and receiving and transmitting regular EasyPal and the new Hybrid EasyPal. To view the page you can click or click the DRM image on the right. The best help of all will be asking the guys using EasyPal on the radio and the best place to find them is on 20m 14.233. If you listen for a while you will soon get to understand what's going on.
Also its good to join the EasyPal Yahoo group FreeDV for digital voice over HF FreeDV is a program for sending and receiving digital voice over the radio for VHF and even HF. The place to find most activity is on the 20m band 14.236. The program and the codec used are all free open source and are cross platform so it can run under both Windows and Linux with the source code available to everyone. For RX only you will only need one sound card but for RX/TX you will need a second sound card, one of the cheap USB sounds dongles will do fine. First tests with FreeDV were very encouraging finding 3 others on 14.236 within 10 minutes of installing the software.
Click or the image on the right for more info and videos. SDR Radio to Decode Multiple Frequencies The latest SDR Consol version 2 now allows you to monitor multiple frequencies at the same time and send them via VAC 'virtual audio cable' to multiple programs to be decoded. I have been testing the SDR Consol on 20mtr to decode MMSSTV on 14.230 and EasyPal on 14.233 but you could monitor up to 6 frequencies at the same time. IE: MMSSTV on 14.227, 14.230, EasyPal on 14.233, Free-DV on 14.236 and all of this on the same SDR Radio. I am using the SDR-IQ by RF Space but the SDR Consol will interface with many SDR radios including the cheap entry level Soft Rock. For more details and download links click My Ham Radio Antennas Here you will find information on the antennas I use here including a CapCo AMA-4 top band loop that is work in progress.